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Bringing world-class chamber music to Western North Carolina for more than 70 years.

Dear Friends of the ACMS:

It may be that you will remember the 2024-25 season for its storms. But I hope you will also recollect in the coming months that the ACMS offered to our city the healing balm of chamber music.

We first reached out to a new neighborhood: the Jasper String Quartet and our own Opal String Quartet opened the season in July at The Grey Eagle Music Hall, never anticipating that within months, the French Broad River would be snarling at its doors and bringing destruction to the River Arts District.

We were determined to maintain our schedule despite the initial absence of water potable and non-potable in our community. We found new welcoming friends in Weaverville at First Baptist Church, where Piano Windtet ensemble 4.1 brought the bliss of Beethoven, Holst, and Gershwin to our ready ears.

You will see on this website future concerts for the year. Who knows what further adaptability will be required of us? Whatever comes, we are grateful for your companionship and support along the way. Much amazing music lies ahead, from the stimulation of Shostakovich to the sonorities of Schubert, and I look forward to listening along with you in this 72nd season.

Bill Smyth, ACMS President


Find out about our organization, mission, and 71 year history.



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